Friday, September 30, 2005


This is so exciting I'm getting messages. For the past month or so I've been reading all these blogs and feel that I've been getting to know people, sometimes posting comments and all of a sudden they're talking back. It's well cool.

Pulpower - I drive down from Elland in West Yorkshire to Cheltenham on a Tuesday morning, then on down to Bristol. Do deliveries in Bristol throughout the day and sometimes pick ups south of Bristol. Sleep over, back up to Cheltenham and work up through Cotswolds, Malverns, Worcesterhire (basically M5 corridor) on the Wednesday. Then back up to Yorkshire. I start at three a.m. on Tuesday morning and get back between three p.m. and sixish on Wednesday, depending on how busy my run is, hence my decision to stop working on Fridays.

Been doing this since March when I passed my HGV after driving seven and a half tonner for just over a year.

Picture is of the M5 at about six a.m.

I've driven the Glasgow run once too when the regular driver was off sick.

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