Monday, May 28, 2007

Seven random things

Kath has tagged me for "seven random things about me" so here you go:
  1. I have a funny lobe on my left ear.
  2. I have never given a car I owned a name (and I’m vehemently resisting the plan to give our trucks names!)
  3. I HATE throwing things away.
  4. My hair needs cutting
  5. I have no pets, children or significant other
  6. I hate it when people call me Raych (and you’d be surprised how many people do!) what’s wrong with calling me by my given name? Is that extra syllable such an effort????
  7. I’m currently listening to TMS* (rain has stopped play)

* TMS = Test Match Special. Ball by ball commentary of the cricket broadcast by the BBC. Equally interesting whether or not there is any cricket happening.

If anyone is unfamiliar with TMS you may be interested to hear the Archive Hour's special about the programme. You will find it here.


Artis-Anne said...

This meme going around is such fun just to learn snippets about each other :)

Ling said...

Interesting 7 random things! Have to say cricket is not really my cup of tea.

Kath said...

I sometimes sit and watch the cricket on our village green and wish I knew what was going on! It really is nice to learn more about everyone through this meme, thank you!